What is a Tea Meditation? A How-To Guide

What is a “Tea Meditation''? 

I get this question a lot, so today I am breaking down what a tea meditation is and how to do it on your own. 

A tea meditation is an act of stillness and harmony between you and an herbal plant of your choosing. All plants are here to teach us lessons, show us shadows or tell us secrets and it is on us to listen closely to the sounds of nature. We are put here to bring ourselves into harmony with all that surrounds us, every person, plant, idea or challenge. 

To try tea meditation is fairly simple, all you need is a quiet space, one single herb or plant, a cup of hot water and yourself. I have been doing tea meditations for a few years now and find it to be the simplest way to learn how an herb can benefit me and what its purpose is. 

Each plant is ruled by a planet, a zodiac sign and an element, making us all and everything around us, intertwined. 

Follow these steps to create a Tea Meditation at home. 

  1. Find the herb that you want to study. Maybe you go to your local apothecary and choose the first thing you see. Maybe you have been thinking about trying this herb for a long time, or maybe you find it simply by walking down the street. (Although, I do not suggest picking herbs off the road. You do not know what type of pesticides may have been sprayed or how the plant may have been affected. Please use caution when harvesting your own.) 

  2. Create a safe space for yourself to be undistracted. To do this, maybe find a safe room or space in your house, close the door, light a candle and settle into a comfortable place. Maybe you play some soothing music, open a window to hear the birds chirping, your choice.

  3. Before you brew your herb, hold the herb into your hands and place your hands by your heart. Close your eyes and repeat “I am grateful for the lessons you are about to teach me. I am open and receptive to the messages I am about to receive.”

  4. Boil your water, place your herb either into a bag first or directly into the mug if you choose. Allow it to steep as you get yourself into your meditative state. Taking deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose, making your exhales longer than your inhales.

  5. Once the tea is brewed, first give yourself the opportunity to smell it. What does this tea smell like? Where do you feel the sensation in your body? If you choose, journal on this.

  6. Next, take your first small sip, and in your stillness, notice where in your body the tea lands. Do you feel it in your heart? Your belly? Your head? Your skin? Behind your eyes? 

  7. Then, as you continue to take small sips, begin to notice any sensations in your body that arise. Notice if you start to feel loose or stiff, hot or cold, relaxed or high speed. Then start to hear any thoughts that are bubbling up in your mind. Notice if there is a mantra or a lesson that the herb is trying to speak to you. In your silence - listen as the herb speaks.

Once you have finished your tea, completed all 7 steps or you feel the meditation is complete, journal down any thoughts. Eventually, slowly coming back to reality with the new lessons that this herb has taught you and new inspiration. And that is all<3

Every herb is going to have a different lesson or message for you. 

Some plants you may love and others you may steer away from, this is all the process. 

The process of learning, growing and diving into harmony with all that exists around you. Tea meditation is a great step in your wellness journey and can provide you with aid in your self-care. 

Eventually, you may even have a little bundle of herbs to call your “Herbal Allies” but we’ll jump into that another time :) 

If you need help choosing an herb to start I would start with lavendar, rose, holy basil or dandelion. These are all powerful messengers. Our Green Goddess tea was created soley through tea meditations and is a great blend to use for this.

Click here to shop Green Goddess.

With love, 
